We didn’t reinvent the wheel. We made it better.
We introduce a new upgrade to our revolutionary e-PRIAM smart stroller – a free app with “rocking mode” feature.
State-of-the-art Innovation
The revolutionary CYBEX e-PRIAM makes life with your little one even more enjoyable and effortless.
Rocking motion, now hands-free.
Naptime Was Never This Easy
e-PRIAM rocking function helps you calm your baby down to sleep anytime and anywhere. The e-stroller moves back and forth, recreating a gentle rocking motion.
Uphill, made simple.
For Climbs that Feel Effortless
With the e-PRIAM smart uphill support, walking uphill is made easy. Onboard sensors detect inclines and signal electric motors to add power, making climbs and descents feel effortless.
Rough terrain, made smooth.
Adventures without Barriers
Imagine the freedom to go off-road whenever you want. The e-PRIAM’s uneven surface support lets you power over rough ground and make it feel like smooth sailing.
4-in-1 Travel System
Pair the e-PRIAM frame with different attachments to travel seamlessly and comfortably with your child.
Priam Lux Carry Cot shown on e-Priam Frame
Cloud Z i-Size shown on e-Priam Frame
Priam Seat Pack shown on e-Priam Frame
Priam Lite Cot shown on e-Priam Frame
It's the e-PRIAM, upgraded
Experience an e-stroller that gives you a helping hand when you need it most - with three functions that make all the difference.
945 mm
宽度:600 mm
高度:1160 mm
880 mm
折叠宽度:510 mm
折叠高度:330 mm
15.3 kg
e-PRIAM Stroller Tutorial
- e-PRIAM比普通PRIAM更重吗?
- 我可以在没有电子辅助功能的情况下使用e-PRIAM吗?
- How does the uneven surface support work?
The uneven surface support works in a similar way to the uphill support. If you push the e-PRIAM across a rough surface like a sandy beach or cobblestones, there will be more resistance and you will have to push harder. The handlebar sensors will detect this resistance and send a signal to the electric motors to give more support. The effect is instantaneous, making it easier to push the stroller across the uneven terrain, and gives a smoother driving experience overall.
- 充电需要多少时间?
- 我可以把PRIAM升级或者改装成e-PRIAM吗?
- 我需要多久给电池充一次电?
电池的使用时间取决于外部条件(例如:地表特性、温度、倾斜度)和负重情况(例如儿童体重、购物篮载重)。在一般情况下(平坦的矮坡及些微颠簸的平缓路面,20摄氏度左右的温度,负重在15公斤左右),电池大约续航45公里。非正常条件下(野外地形的矮坡及较多的颠簸路段,10-20摄氏度左右的温度, 负重15公斤),电池续航约20公里。在极端条件下(崎岖的长陡坡,非常多的颠簸路段,室外温度低于10摄氏度,负重25公斤),电池将续航大约8公里。上述内容均为估计值,实际数据可能因为使用情况,外部环境影响和蓄电池状况而有所变化。此外,e-PRIAM的锂电池的容量随着时间和使用情况而降低,而这也可能会影响到电池的续航时间。上述数据不承担任何相关责任。
- 怎样给电池充电?
- 使用辅助功能时,e-PRIAM的最高时速可以达到多少?
- 在第一次使用e-PRIAM之前,需要充电吗?
- 我能将e-PRIAM带上飞机吗?
- 上坡时,e-PRIAM的辅助功能对斜坡的角度有没有什么限制?
- 在哪里可以试用或购买e-PRIAM?
- What happens if either my phone battery or my e-PRIAM battery runs out while I’m using the Rocking Mode function?
Before you start the Rocking Mode you can check a box to confirm if you want the rocking to continue if the Bluetooth connection is interrupted. This is included as a safety feature. If you check the box and your phone battery runs out, the Rocking Mode function will complete the rocking cycle. If you want to stop the rocking function before the end of the cycle simply switch off the e-PRIAM.
Otherwise the rocking cycle will stop as soon as the Bluetooth connection between your smartphone and your e-PRIAM is interrupted. Never leave the child unattended when the Rocking Mode function is in operation.
If your e-PRIAM battery runs out while you’re using the Rocking Mode function the rocking will stop immediately, as there will be no power to operate the electric motors.